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Views, news, and inspiration from our global newsletter.

Who’s New to the Reflex Family

Who’s New to the Reflex Family

Seoul with Ysan

Seoul with Ysan

Ysan studied at l’Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Paris, where she was connected with our founder. Now an artist and published author, she lives and thrives in Seoul, where she’s come aboard as our Ambassador in South Korea.

Paris with Nathalie

Paris with Nathalie

Nathalie was SVP at Publicis New York, before opening her own agency in the US. When she decided to come back to Paris, she thought it would be more fun to join forces with us. As a global strategist she bridges both cultures. The dream team!

Hong Kong with Wilfred

Hong Kong with Wilfred

An ex-New-Yorker, Hong Kong native Wilfred decided to take up the challenge to be our authority in HK. His classic ‘businessman’ vibe, love for rugby, and dedication to his country convinced our team to launch this new venture in China with him.

London with Shivangi

London with Shivangi

London was open in 2010, and became our hub for anything digital marketing. Shivangi, an expert in content strategy, influencer marketing and digital media management started with Reflex in NY before moving to UK and now is our main liaison on the ground.
