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Beyond the Screen: Crafting Physical Experiences for an Online Generation Collage by Licelle Yuzon, Designer, ReflexNewYork

Beyond the Screen: Crafting Physical Experiences for an Online Generation

By Sam Reyes, Account Manager, ReflexLA

In 1961, Kodak released their first Carousel slide projector, the Model 550. By 1966, it was completely sold out, and freshly tanned Americans across the nation gathered in their living rooms to show off their vacation photos to eager friends and family. Today, this ritual takes place on social media, and our audience watches from behind a screen. Born with a screen and a headset in hand, the notoriously digitally savvy Generation Z can access any part of the world at the touch of a button. How then, can travel and hospitality industries expect to leverage travel experiences to attract the online generation?

Despite representing one-third of the global population, Gen Z has an estimated global spending power of $143 billion, making up 40% of all consumers. And according to Forbes, 45% of luxury sales will come from Millennials and Gen Z by 2025. The main motivation for many Gen Z travelers is to post content of their trips to digital channels. 70% of American millennial and Gen Z travelers seek unique experiences that their family and friends likely haven't considered. More than ever, capturing the attention of Zoomers requires an authentic and strategic approach.

Luxury and Personalization

Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all holiday packages. Gen Z demands thoughtful and personalized experiences which resonate with their values. While luxury and personalisation are standard for this generation, it doesn't mean everything needs to be extravagant. The key is to offer meaningful options that cater to their preferences without overwhelming them.

Sustainable Travel

Gen Z places a high value on sustainability. According to Booking.com, this generation is more inclined to select eco-friendly and sustainable travel options. To appeal to and retain Gen Z, brands should emphasize sustainable practices and support social causes. This can involve initiatives like minimizing plastic waste, promoting energy conservation, and aiding local communities.

Stimulating All 5 Senses

Immersed through vision and sound, but not taste, smell, and touch. At least not yet. Creating a holistic experience, meeting Gen z’ers in dimensions not touched by their digital devices. The flavors at the restaurant should be exquisite, the feeling of the spa’s massages should be unparalleled, the fragrance of the lobby should bring back memories.

From Privacy to ‘Off The Beaten Path’

Gen Z has seen the world’s wonders hundreds of times over social media and streaming services. If they intend on visiting Paris, visibility of the Eiffel Tower isn’t the sole determinant of the value of their stay. Staying somewhere they haven’t seen on Instagram a million times – that’s attractive. Hospitality brands must cultivate the age-old industry standard of privacy by providing experiences which are genuinely off the beaten path, because it caters to more than the need for privacy: it shows them something new.

Digital Communication

Staying connected is important to this generation, which means they expect seamless communication with their accommodations through smartphones, tablets, and other devices. Embracing technology and providing a seamless digital experience is vital to staying afloat in the market. This could be as simple as offering mobile check-in and checkout options, providing high-speed Wi-Fi, and integrating mobile payment methods.

In conclusion, captivating the chronically online Generation Z, travel and hospitality industries must innovate and adapt. By offering personalized, sustainable, and multi-sensory experiences that resonate with this generation’s values, and providing unique, less-explored destinations, these industries can appeal to the public desire for authenticity and novelty. Integrating seamless digital communication and technology into the travel experience is essential to meeting expectations and maintaining competitiveness. As Gen Z's influence continues to grow, businesses that strategically align with their preferences will thrive in this evolving market.