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Mastering the Workation: How to Mix Business and Pleasure Without Losing Yourself Along the Way Collage by Licelle Yuzon, Designer, ReflexNewYork

Mastering the Workation: How to Mix Business and Pleasure Without Losing Yourself Along the Way

By Emilie Wallet, Head of Talents, ReflexParis

Disclaimer: I am the queen of multitasking. Normal for me means working 2 jobs 9 to 5, having a creative outlet 5 to 9, and being on the go 24/7.

I’m a sort of digital nomad. My office is based in Paris, but business takes me all over. I am not myself when confined to one place, so before long I find myself aching to chase new opportunities in some distant beautiful place. It’s second nature to open my laptop by the pool, or schedule a meeting on a hike, because I will happily take my work whenever I go. But in a world where work follows us in our pockets, it’s important to find balance and learn how to switch off so we don’t take the good things for granted.

As I speed-walk to my office in Paris, I have a routine that guides me towards my goals. I listen to the rhythm of the city, and allow it to inspire me. I think about what needs to be done, and I find answers in shop windows and along ancient façades. The fast-paced nature of the work I do suits this city, and the pressure helps me thrive as a businesswoman. From the people I observe on the metro, to the food I share with friends on my lunch breaks, to the art—the art that runs through the city’s veins like the water in the Seine. As a photographer, I feel lucky to be in Paris: it is truly a deep well of inspiration, and I find things to photograph each and every day. 

However, I find myself craving nature, wide open spaces, new faces, and new attitudes to capture. Creative thinking is a crucial part of understanding my clients’ needs, but in Paris, as in any big city, anyone will tell you it’s easy to get into a rut. These dips stifle the mechanisms required to think outside the box, and taking time away from the hustle and bustle gives me a chance to work out my creative muscles again. With that kind of routine, inspiration comes even when, while sitting at my desk on a dreary Tuesday afternoon, after my sixth trip to the espresso machine, I can remember that I am just a train ride away from a totally different world. That’s all it takes to bring me bonheur!

So really, it doesn’t take much to mix up your daily routine and find inspiration. Taking the time to take the time, allowing yourself to breathe, will let the creative mind lead the train of thought.

My business mindset is in my pocket, and packed in my luggage wherever I go whether I like it or not. Rather than fight it, I’ve found that changing my environment gives me more space to breathe and enjoy the journey. A new destination means a new train of thought, and less stagnation. I take pleasure in being surprised, in not knowing what opportunities will come my way; working in a new environment allows me to see more clearly and seize opportunities that I would have probably missed in my usual surroundings.

As Head of Talents, I’m proud to showcase the wonderful creatives that make ReflexGroup the beautiful agency that has been a part of so many of your business adventures! As with each journey away, working with new talent fuels me with inspiration and I return home to find that the city is, once again, full of possibilities.